Happy New Year!

As another new year approaches, we all reflect on the last year and plan for the next. Twenty-twelve was a big year for Therapydia, growing from just an idea to where we are today. We’ve learned a lot along the way, met some terrific people and have been inspired by the amazingly dedicated and passionate members of the PT community. We are very thankful for all of you who helped us get here! We have much more growth planned in 2013, from new PT TV to expanding educational resources (and a few surprises) and hope you’ll come along for the ride.
Social media has done wonders to bring people together over the past few years, and it’s only bound to get better in 2013. Whatever your resolutions may be, embracing social media can aid in a number of ways. That said, we wish you a successful, prosperous, and social 2013!


Happy New Year,

Team Therapydia

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